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Personal Injury Lawyer in Cathays

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We are specialist Personal Injury Lawyers in Cathays who have assisted thousands of people throughout the UK.

With lawyers based in Cathays South Glamorgan we can offer competitive prices and in June 2024 are able to get costs to you very quickly.

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If you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, then we’re here to get you the compensation that you deserve. Making a claim can be a long and difficult process, especially when you’re recovering after an accident. Our specialist personal injury lawyers take all the stress out of your hands and consistently deliver fair compensation sums to our clients.

Whenever we take on a new client, it is always with a no-win, no fee approach. There’s nothing worse than paying high legal fees only to receive nothing in return. With us, you can make a claim with the peace of mind that you’ll never have to pay a penny if you’re not successful.

In this article, we’ll explain how you can make a claim, the compensation you’re likely to receive, and how our legal fees work. We’ll also let you know what to do if you’re unable to work following an accident and if you’ll be eligible for any additional compensation.

Table of Contents

No Win, No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors near Cathays

Any personal injury case that we accept is always on a no win, no fee basis. Unfortunately, personal injury solicitors are notorious for charging astronomical fees with no guarantee of seeing any compensation in return. We aim to break this stereotype and make sure that you’ll only pay following a successful claim.

What is a Personal Injury Solicitor_

We are injury solicitors in Cathays South Glamorgan, and have dealt with claims from across the region. If you’re based in Cathays and looking to claim, then there really is no better place to turn. Our expert team of personal injury claim specialists has a wealth of experience to draw upon which nearly always results in successful claims.

Road Traffic Accidents

Unfortunately, the streets of Cathays are home to many road traffic accidents every single day. If you were involved in a road traffic accident that wasn’t your fault, then it is likely that you’ll be eligible for compensation for your injuries.

A road accident can have a devastating impact on the life of a victim and without compensation, they could find themselves in a difficult situation. We make it our business to ensure your financial security and retrieve all the compensation that you are entitled to.

Whether your accident occurred on a quiet country road or one of the busier highways in Cathays, you can be sure that our injury claims solicitors will know exactly how to approach the case.

Hit and Runs

We also have a lot of experience working with victims of hit and run accidents. In Cathays, there is a high number of hit and runs every month. If you were involved in a hit and run, then don’t hesitate to get in touch and start making personal injury claims immediately.

Common RTA Injuries

Road traffic accidents can result in a wide variety of injuries ranging from minor bruising to serious structural damage. Thankfully, you can claim compensation for nearly every type of injury related to a road accident.

Below we’ve listed some of the most common traffic accident injuries. Each of these injuries is highly likely to result in a successful claim and some sort of compensation payment.

This is just a small selection of the life-changing injuries a person could obtain from a car accident. From facial damage to an internal injury, no one should have to face any negative economic impacts whilst they are recovering from a serious incident.

Common Accident Hotspots

Our personal injury claims team has dealt with thousands of road traffic accident claims. Nearly all of them occur in similar circumstances and locations. For example, dips and bends in the road are often scenes of accidents thanks to their blind spots and dangerous driving.

Narrow roads, mud-covered surfaces, lack of street lighting, and unexpectedly slow traffic can all force a driver to have to make sudden movements, which can often result in a crash.

Is it worth getting a lawyer for a minor car accident?

Personal injury solicitors should always be contacted even in the event of a minor traffic accident. We work on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, which means you never lose out by contacting our personal injury claims panel and asking for advice. You might just be entitled to a compensation settlement.

How much do you get for pain and suffering in a road accident?

The emotional pain and suffering that a person can undergo following a road accident is often as damaging as any physical injury. This is why it is important for any personal injury lawyers to take emotional pain into account whenever they are helping to make a claim.

Personal injury lawyers will often use a multiplier method to work out a compensation sum that takes into account pain and suffering. Specifically, the damage costs (repairs and healthcare bills) are multiplied by a number between 1 and 5 in order to reach a fair settlement.

How long does a car incident settlement take?

Typically, a personal injury claims solicitor will be able to have your compensation back to you in 4-9 months. This can go on longer for more complex cases though.

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Workplace Injuries

Aside from accidents on the roads, there are also injuries that occur in the workplace. Our personal injury lawyers have years of experience in this particular field and have dealt with accident claims from a variety of different industries.

Whether you were involved in an office accident, exposed to asbestos, or picked up an injury whilst working on an oil rig, you can be sure that our claims solicitors will be able to help you get the compensation that you deserve. Here are the specific situations that are covered:

Bicycle Accidents

Unfortunately, bicycle accidents are quite common in Cathays. Our personal injury lawyers are the best people to call if you’re looking for advice following an incident.

In most accidents involving a cyclist and a car, it is the car driver who is at fault. This means a cyclist in nearly always entitled to compensation after a crash.

If you would like to receive even more information on Personal Injury Lawyer services in Cathays, make sure you get in touch with us today!

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How Do I Make a Personal Injury Claim?

Making a claim through our personal injury team could not be easier. Simply get in touch with our solicitors and they’ll give you all the advice you’ll need. We are one of the most respected teams of injury solicitors in Cathays, so you can be sure that you’ll have the best chance of receiving your full claim.

We always use a ‘no win, no fee’ approach with our claims. This means you’ll never pay a penny unless you’re successful.

Making a Successful Accident Claim with a law firm near me

8 pieces of information that will help make your claim successful!

When making inquiries with our accident claims lawyers, it helps to have as much information as possible. To make a strong case for a claim, it can help to have the following.

What are the Time Limits for Making a Personal Injury Claim?

In most cases, the time limit for making a personal injury claim is three years after the accident. This can vary slightly in different situations, but this is the general rule. Failing to make your personal injury claim in time will usually mean missing out on any compensation sum.

For people who are unable to work due to their injury, it is always advisable to make a personal injury claim as soon as possible. We’d recommend making a claim within the first six months. This way, you won’t be missing out on any compensation, and you are usually much more likely to have a successful claim.

When it comes to a personal injury claim, “sooner rather than later” is definitely the best mindset to have.

Common Personal Injury Questions

Below are some of the personal injury claim questions that we get asked on a regular basis. If your question isn’t answered here, be sure to head to our website for more information.

What Will I Be Compensated For?

A personal injury claim aims to compensate you for everything that you have missed out on whilst recovering from your injuries. Usually, this is the income you’ve sacrificed whilst not being able to work.

How much of the claim will an attorney near me keep?

When you contact one of our personal injury solicitors, there are absolutely no upfront costs. We only charge a fee if we are successful in your personal injury claim. These costs are no higher than 25% of your compensation sum.

If I have had a road traffic accident, what should I do?

If you’ve been involved in an accident, then don’t hesitate t get in touch with us. We’ll set you up with one of our experienced personal injury solicitors, who’ll provide any advice you need and give you a free claim assessment.

From there you can decide for yourself whether your accident claim is worth pursuing.

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How much money can you get for suing for emotional distress?

The emotional stress involved in an accident can be as damaging as any physical injury. Compensation sums for this kind of damage range from £1,000 all the way up to £50,000.

These payouts vary dramatically from case to case. Be sure to reach out to one of our personal injury solicitors for a free assessment.

How much do you get paid for getting hit by a car?

As with emotional distress, the compensation sums given out for personal injury claims can vary greatly. For a very serious injury, such as brain damage, the payout can be as high as £500,000.

For less serious injuries that heal within 3 months, the average payout is between £1,000 and £2,500. You can expect to receive around £5,000 for injuries that take a year to heal.

What do I do whilst my car is off the road?

If your car was damaged during the accident and needs repairs, you should be able to have access to a courtesy car through your insurance company. If you don’t receive a courtesy car, then be sure to contact one of our personal injury solicitors for advice – you may be entitled to additional compensation.

The accident was partially my fault. Am I still able to make a personal injury claim?

If an accident was not fully your fault, then in most cases you will still be able to make a claim. Personal injury claims where both drivers were at fault are nearly always successful.

What is ‘no win, no fee’?

‘No win, no fee’ means that we’ll only ever charge you a fee if your personal injury claims are successful. This means that making an inquiry with our team is always risk-free and you’ll never feel cheated out of even more money.

What is an interim payment?

An interim payment is a sum paid to cover an immediate cost. This is usually made whilst your case is still being processed and you need some money before the case is completed. An interim payment is taken out of your final claim amount.

How do I prove I was injured? Will I have to attend a medical appointment?

Photos from the accident and police reports are usually the most common pieces of evidence used to prove that you were injured during an accident. A doctor’s report could also be useful during an accident claim.

The evidence required varies from case to case, so be sure to contact one of our personal injury solicitors to find out exactly what you’ll need.

Can I receive help with treatment costs?

If you need help to pay for treatment costs whilst your accident claim is being processed, then applying for an interim payment is usually the best option. Interim payments usually come in very quickly and can be used for immediate treatment.

At Personal Injury Lawyers, we can assist you on the best options available. Make sure you contact us today for a number of great services in Cathays South Glamorgan.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great lawyer services in Wales.

Here are some towns we cover near Cathays.

Cardiff, Canton, Grangetown, Llanishen, Whitchurch
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What Others Say About Our Services

We absolutely love the service provided. Their approach is really friendly but professional. We went out to five different companies and found Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me to be value for money and their service was by far the best. Thank you for your really awesome work, we will definitely be returning!

Reece Lane
South Glamorgan

We have used Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me for many years as they are certainly the best in the UK. The attention to detail and professional setup is what makes this company our go-to company for all our work. I highly recommend the team for the immense work - we highly recommend them!

Matthew Lane
South Glamorgan

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